Preparation for the Sacrament of the Eucharist is designed to draw your child into a fuller and more active participation in the parish community. Through participation in the Mass and the Eucharist, your child becomes one with Christ and the community. This preparation begins in the home through prayer and attendance at Mass for your child to have a true understanding of the Mass and Communion. The Religious Education program includes sacramental preparation, a two-year process, usually concluding in the spring of a child’s 2nd-grade year, at which time First Holy Communion is received. Please contact Tom Eggleston, our Parish Pastoral Associate, at [email protected].
Baptism and First Reconciliation must be made before First Holy Communion can be received. A copy of your child’s baptismal certificate needs to be given to the Youth Faith Formation Director, or dropped off at the parish office if your child was not baptized at St. Basil. Students are expected to attend all class sessions in order to be fully prepared for the sacraments.
The Religious Education program at St. Basil includes sacramental preparation, a two-year process, usually concluding in the spring of a child’s 2nd-grade year, at which time First Holy Communion is received. Please contact Tom Eggleston, our Parish Pastoral Associate, at [email protected].