St. Basil Catholic School – Our parish school serves both Catholic and non-Catholic students, Preschool through 8th grade. The Catholic faith is not only taught but also practiced in the student’s daily life. Call the school office for more information, 269-637-3529, or visit our school website,
CAFÉ— Catholic Adult Faith Enrichment opportunities are presented to the parish throughout the year. We also now offer a CAFÉ Resource Library, “take one, bring one, return one, enjoy one,” in the South Lobby.
Becoming a Catholic — The process by which anyone who is unbaptized or baptized in another Christian tradition is exciting and life-giving. We start the process when you are ready to begin. God has been journeying with you for a while and we are happy to journey with you, listening with you to God to determine where God is calling you. Our process begins with inquiry where you are invited to contact us. Then, we welcome you to informal gatherings in the homes of our parishioners where we share refreshments, break open our journeys in the context of Catholic tradition, and answer any questions that you have. Our inquiry sessions are based in a “Come and See” model where you may come for one or more sessions; yet, if you choose to not return, that is fine. Our parish is always open to you. Thus, to get started whenever you are ready, please contact Geralyn Monacelli (269)-637-6714 or [email protected].
Children’s Faith Formation — This program is open to all elementary age children who seek to learn more about our living faith and achieve a deeper relationship with God. The program begins in September and runs through May. Contact Tom Eggleston at (269)-637-2404 ext. 1114 or [email protected].
Sacrament of Baptism — Volunteers assist parents in the preparation of their child’s baptism.
Sacrament of Confirmation — Monthly preparatory classes for the Sacrament of Confirmation are provided for high school students and conclude with a Confirmation Mass and ‘Thank you’ dinner with the Bishop.